high quality, cost-effective rehabilitation services
We provide high quality, cost-effective rehabilitation services for individuals with impaired function due to injury, cumulative trauma or disease. Services are provided utilizing a team approach with ongoing collaboration and communication between surgeons, therapists and other care team members. We strive to motivate each patient to be an active participant in the rehabilitation process through education and a focus on individualized treatment and home programs. Our goal is to maximize each patient's ability to return to productive activity, whether at home or at work, in a safe and timely manner. In addition to providing excellent care for our patients, ongoing research and evidence-based practice is promoted for our staff.
Our therapists are Certified Hand Therapists (CHT), in addition to being licensed Physical or Occupational Therapists. Requirements for becoming a CHT include a minimum of three years of clinical experience and passing a comprehensive test of advanced clinical skills and theory in upper quarter rehabilitation. This high level of therapy specialization complements the expertise demonstrated by our surgeons in the treatment of the hand and upper extremity.
Hallmarks of our Treatment Model
Certified Hand Therapists
Collaboration Between Surgeons, Therapists and Patients
One-On-One Care
Individualized Treatment
Focus on Patient Education
Structured Home Programs
Functional Outcomes
Professional Services
Hand therapy services include a comprehensive evaluation of physical and functional abilities, assessment of findings and development of a plan to achieve stated goals. Treatment is then instituted based on clinical findings, the individual's needs, knowledge of upper extremity anatomy and physiology, diagnosis, and, if applicable, surgical procedure and stage of healing.
Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
Therapeutic exercise/activities
Orthotics (custom splints)
Adaptive devices
Activity modification
Wound/scar management
Manual techniques
Sensory re-education
Prosthetic training
Additional services focus on assessment of the patient's needs and abilities for return to work. Progression of the therapy program helps the patient return to work successfully and emphasizes education to minimize the potential for further injury.
Return to Work Programs
Job analysis
Functional capacity evaluation
Work conditioning
Prevention education
Work Modification
Consultation Services
Available for analysis of a patient's job at the worksite and include recommendations regarding appropriate work modifications.
Job site analysis
Work modification
Exercise programs
Educational programs